Selasa, 02 April 2013

Beware Hidden Sources of Salt

Have you ever wondered, how much on average your salt intake per day? Research shows that most people in the world consume more than 6 g of salt per day, and in Asia more than 12 g1, whereas the recommended limit of salt intake is 6 grams of salt (about 2300 mg of sodium) or equivalent to 1 teaspoon.Why does the amount of salt restricted?Excess salt is closely related to an increased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). In Indonesia alone, 3 out of 10 people suffering from hypertension Indonesia 3. Hypertension is also a risk factor for heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. Therefore, the excess salt is essential to avoidWhere the excess salt you?

The main source of excess salt intake for Asian countries, including Indonesia, are of the salt used for cooking as well as eating at around 72-76% 2. For example, the salt content in 1 portion of chicken noodle is about 558 mg of sodium, or about 24% of the maximum daily salt intake. Other foods that are commonly consumed instant noodles and salt content varied between 1110 mg of sodium to 2400 mg of sodium (about 48% -100% of the daily intake limit).In addition to the foods that are considered "salty", it turns out some sugary foods such as donuts also contains salt which is high at approximately 260 mg sodium (11% maximum limit daily salt intake). In addition, 1 teaspoon soy sauce turned out to contain 78 mg of sodium (about 3% of the daily consumption limit), and of course the amount you consume in one cooking will be more than 1 tablespoon. Figure 1 below shows a wide range of food and its salt content.
 Now, you know that a lot of "hidden salt" in the food you eat. Choose foods low in salt to maintain health and avoid the risk of hypertension early on, for example, low-salt soy sauce and instant noodles low in salt.

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