In Travel
To travel quite a long time for people with diabetes can alter the diet drug or insulin injections. In fact this situation will increase the potential for hypoglycemia.But that does not mean people with diabetes can not travel anywhere. Just enough to require a bit of planning control diabetes. How to prepare for a trip depends on the purpose and how long your trip.
The first step of the wisest before a long trip is to check first the condition of the body to the doctor to make sure your body is healthy enough to support the trip.
Here are some preparation steps that need to be considered:
Perform vaccinations if necessary
Request a certificate of health from a doctor that includes:
The health status
Drugs that are used
Equipment used as a tool check blood glucose, syringes
Description allergy medication. (If any)
It is obviously necessary to facilitate the examination of the authorities to clarify the purpose of bringing competence injecting equipment and medicines in large quantities. Similarly to anticipate when pain on the way.
Ask your doctor for a prescription medication commonly used.
Some of the equipment necessary to carry:
Bring medications or insulin as much as two times the normally required.
Glucose meter (blood glucose testing tool)
Glucose Kits
Glucose tablets or gel
Bring your health insurance card (if applicable).
Dress Code:People with diabetes are at high risk for skin disorders and foot. Sweat will interfere with skin hygiene. Then it is advisable to wear clothing that is lighter and easier to absorb sweat.
To prevent blisters on the feet, avoid wearing new shoes that are rigid on the way. Bring shoes that are most comfortable to use.
During the trip
Eating and DrinkingDuring the trip try to pattern and schedule appropriate eating and drinking habits at home. If there is a delay in travel, eat food brought from home. Do not wait until the next scheduled meal arrives. Consider the composition of the food consumed. Food can be crackers / biscuits, cheese, juice or other meal replacement.
Cuacu long way in the heat or use the AC will make a person feel thirsty. Drinks are the most appropriate to deal with this is mineral water. Be careful drinking beverages in cans because usually these types of drinks contain lots of sugar which will increase blood glucose levels quickly.
Health ProblemsChanges in patterns and routines can reduce fatigue during the course of the health condition. Diseases that may arise during travel in people with diabetes is a disease associated with diabetes and other diseases that are often experienced by most people during travel.
The disease is often associated with diabetes arise such as: diarrhea, carsick or seasick, and minor accidents.
Motion sickness can be overcome by taking a hangover before traveling.
Minor accident during the trip yan gterjadi can have serious repercussions on diabetesein. In the event of a minor accident or fall pinch door, immediately wash the wound with clean water and wipe with 70% alcohol.
If there is a serious injury, immediately cover with sterile gauze and consult a doctor when I got to the destination.
Healthy FeetSitting for a long time will hamper circulation to the feet. It is therefore necessary to provide time for memperlancarsirkulasi in the leg by the way: move the joints in the foot and straighten your knee, or stop the vehicle and a small walk around the vehicle. This activity should be performed every 2 hours.
Safety note with no legs sits adjacent to the car (if using a vehicle with the engine in). Radiation of heat engine may not be felt with diabetes who have neuropathy
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